Kamis, 18 September 2014

Plot to attack nation's leaders

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Plot to attack nation's leaders
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Friday 19 Sep, 2014
Plot to attack nation's leaders
AFP officers will take back control of Parliament House in Canberra after fresh revelations suspected terrorists were planning a potential attack.
Government labelled 'terrorists'
AN URGENT meeting was held at Lakemba station to protest against terror raids in Sydney and Brisbane.
Scotland's day of destiny arrives
THE people of Scotland have begun voting on whether the country should stay part of the United Kingdom or become an independent nation. FOLLOW UPDATES HERE
Video shows another IS hostage
ANOTHER British hostage has been shown in a propaganda video released by terrorists Islamic State.
Time's up as FIFA told to return gifts
FIFA's ethics investigator ordered football officials to return 65 luxury watches given as World Cup gifts or risk disciplinary action.
Why is Lorde milking a plastic cow?
HAS Lorde finally lost the plot? The New Zealand singer has been snapped milking a plastic cow.
Disneyland dads: Cool or creepy?
NEW Instagram account "DILFs of Disneyland" has parenting websites up in arms. What do you think - creepy or harmless fun?
The home loan game-changer?
IT'S all too easy to waste thousands of dollars with the wrong home loan. But there's a new way to get a mortgage, where banks will bid for your business.
'Only ugly people are safe in bikinis'
THAILAND'S prime minister has made some outrageous comments in the wake of the brutal murder of two tourists at one of his nation's popular holiday spots.
Girl 'killed man over PlayStation'
A TEEN girl and her boyfriend allegedly killed a man over his PlayStation 4, as her baby lay nearby, after contacting him via Craigslist.
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