Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

TRAVEL: What it's like inside Australia’s best hotel

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What it's like inside Australia's best hotel
Thursday 16 Oct, 2014
What it's like inside Australia's best hotel
IT HAS topped numerous lists of the best hotels not only in Australia, but the entire planet. So what's it really like inside? You'll need to fork out $5000 for the weekend.
This is the most epic rock skimming ever
WHEN this guy skimmed a rock across a frozen lake in Alaska he never guessed what would happen next. Watch his epic reaction.
Journey to the 'roof of Australia'
OUR ski resorts aren't known for their extreme offerings, but few people realise that we actually have one of the most beautiful alpine environments on Earth.
A rare look inside North Korea's airline
KNOWN as the world's worst airline, Air Koryo uses ancient Soviet Union aircraft and has only one in-flight entertainment channel. Here's a rare look inside the one star airline.
Paris life hacks every traveller should know
LOCAL Parisians share their tips on how to do Paris like a pro. From secret entrances to finding the best pastries, here's what you need to know.
Stunning photos from outer space
THAT'S the Nile at night. Incredible, isn't it? Astronaut Chris Hadfield opens his stunning photo album and proves what a small world it truly is.
How much do you know about Australia?
THINK you know all there is about our great, sunburnt land? Think again. Here are 12 surprising Australian facts.
World's top 18 foodie cities
FEEL like a holiday that combines sightseeing with the some of the best cuisines on earth? Here are the top spots for gourmet getaways.
The world's most remote island
LYING more than 2000 kilometres from the closest inhabited piece of land is an island so remote its residents use only seven surnames.
Is this the most incredible hotel yet?
MADE up of more than 10,000 glass panels and built by more than 9000 construction workers, this hotel could be the coolest one we've seen yet.
The 15 best luggage hacks ever
FROM liquids leaking to your cash being stolen, we've all suffered from luggage nightmares that could have easily been avoided. If only you followed these steps.
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